The streets have been decorated with the colors of the Mexican flag for the past 15 days. It's been quite an experience for us to experience these festivities here. The day before Independence Day, we were invited to a very amazing party organized by one of the most prominent citizens of Cardenas. We arrived at the party at 9:30 pm thinking that we were going to be late not remembering that punctuality is not common in this country. The food served was exquisite in every aspect. We ate tamales, tostadas, stuffed fried bananas, and pozole. We were always entertained by a professional DJ and his staff. The dance was great! I can't believe how well Mexicans dance the salsa, the merengue, the cumbia, and other typical dances and they have so much fun when they do it. The girls and Lucas had so much fun especially because the house had an incredible swimming pool, so after they had something to eat they went in the pool and never left until we were getting ready to leave. One of the guests was a colonel in the Mexican Army. At midnight, the host asked the colonel to lead the guests in the traditional Independence shout. From the balcony of the house, he held the flag and led them in a series of shouts culminating it with "VIVA MEXICO - VIVA LOS MEXICANOS" (Long Live Mexico and the Mexicans) and they sang the National Anthem. As we left the party at 1:30 am, people were still arriving. Had our children not been exhausted, we would have stayed longer as it was getting better and better...
The next morning, Lucas was the only one that woke up at 9:00...so I took him to downtown to witness the Civic and Military Parade, which was very beautiful. In the afternoon, a family from Church invited to their house to have lunch with them. They cooked the most tasty carnes asadas. Interestingly enough, our children had lunch and went into their swimming pool. I don't know how it happened, but Lucas at the age of 4, learned how to swim. He came to get me because he had to show me something; so I went to the pool when I saw him diving in. I thought I was going to have a heart attack and shouted to the girls, "Get him!!!!" not knowing that that was the surprise they had for me. I couldn't believe it!!!!!!!!!