The bishop's wife came to pick us up at 9:30 in the morning. Church starts at 10:00 here and the building is located in Colonia Los Reyes - 10 minutes from our home. We were completely amazed at the welcoming party that awaited in the church. We believe we shook 98% of the members' hands today. It was completely wonderful!!! Everybody acknowledged that we were there and new to the ward. We sat down in the chapel waiting for the service to begin, when the bishop sent a young man to talk to Charlotte. He said, "The bishop is wondering if you could play these hymns for sacrament meeting today!" So there she went...to play for sacrament meeting and did amazingly well. The meeting was extremely spiritual. Members sang those hymns so clearly and loudly. It was awesome! The theme of the meeting was how we can strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ. Four speakers were assigned with no intermediate hymn. Their testimonies were so strong. One of them invited us to always have room for the Savior in our heart. She said that He was rejected even when he was in Mary's wombs when nobody would give Him room in the inn. "May we never make Him feel unwelcome in our inn!" She said. It was wonderful! Our children went to their respective classes and were so nervous. We accompanied Lucas to his Primary class and tried to stay with him, but he refused. Firmly he pointed the door with his finger trying to say, "Get out! I can do it by myself." It was funny!
In the afternoon we went for a walk to the main square, which is very close to our home. We went inside the Catholic cathedral - a very beautiful building, and walked around the square. We loved to see that only a few stores were opened and that the town was quiet because it was Sunday. We really enjoy when others obey the Sabbath Day in this manner.
In the evening, Liliana Pelayo (my supervisor) and her family came to visit. They brought us corn tamales, which were so delicious. Her husband teaches music at the UPCH (Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa) and will arrange for our girls to continue with their piano lessons with a teacher he knows. We had a very pleasant evening getting to know them. We also found out that their children play basketball for a local team, so Gina will go with them tomorrow and see if she would like to play with them.
that is so great to feel welcomed, maybe you won't be too bored...hahahaha, but you are used to making fast friends