Every morning Lucas wakes up and asks us: "Blanco o naranja?" which means, "White or orange?" What he truly means is which uniform he is supposed to wear. He dresses himself and after a light breakfast, he leaves for school. He loves his new Dora and Diego lunchbox, where he packs his juice and snack.

Charlotte usually buys a breakfast made by moms at school. It costs $12.00 (Mexican pesos) which is less than a dollar. This money is raised to buy materials for the classroom as they don't receive much financial help for this. Mothers take turns; they are assigned by the principal and it's your turn, you must do. It's not an option! If a mother does not participate, she has to either pay someone else to do it or she will be fined.
Lucas carries his backpack and this blue folder, which is for homework. He is doing very well in Spanish. It's truly amazing to witness his progress in the language. Though he is so young and attends a school equivalent to a Head Start in the US, both teachers are extremely good at teaching him. What I'm trying to say is that his school does not act as a Day Care Facilities. The academics play a very important part even at such a young age.

As Lucas leaves for school, one can see all these munchkins dressed in orange and blue walking to the school holding their mother's or father's hand...Such is not the case with our Lucas, who has become very independent lately just like his sisters have always been at that age...

There he went all by himself hoping that his school is open today because it had poured so heavily the day before and it rains like that, Lucas does not have school because the streets flood and so does the school. Thank Goodness it was all dried by then and he had classes.
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